Proto-Electronics figures and key dates

Since its creation in 2014, Proto-Electronics has continued to grow and invest regularly to develop its know-how. Its aim: to support its customers, who are present all over the world.

Proto-Electronics in a few figures

Year of creation: 2014

Number of employees: 38

Turnover in 2024: 13.1 million euros


+ Over 22,000 registered members

Number of countries delivered: 26



In 2024, Proto-Electronics achieved 21% growth thanks to international expansion.

Proto-Electronics key dates


Under the impulse of Altrics (EMS specialized in the production of medium and large series of electronic boards), of which he is CEO, Damien Rossignon created ProtoElectronique, a platform specialized in PCBA rapid prototyping.

ProtoElectronique becomes an independent company.
A new version of the platform goes online.
The site is translated into English to meet international market demand.



ISO 9001:2015 certification obtained.
Complete platform redesign goes online.
Opening of an office in Kehl, Germany, and launch of the German version of the platform.

38% of sales are exported to Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Spain and Switzerland.
Launch of the Italian version of the platform.
Production and customer service teams strengthened.



ProtoElectronique changes its name to Proto-Electronics.

Launch of the Spanish version of the application.
Expansion of production workshop.
Renewal of ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Proto-Electronics wins France Relance award.




Proto-Electronics is among the first companies to join the ALLIANCE ELECTRONICS group in June 2022, bringing its expertise to all group companies.